
Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.

What do you offer?
A free platform where you can view your health history in one centralized location.
A way for you to take an active role in your health.
A way to reward you financially for attending appointments, taking medications, and making healthy choices (who couldn’t use a little extra nudge in the right direction?).
A scheduling tool to match you with affordable mental health providers that meet your needs, insurance, and style.
A care navigation team that continues to support you to make sure your provider is a good fit and offer alternatives if you’re looking for something different.








How does it work?

After you sign up, you’ll be prompted to answer two types of questions:

Needs and preferences

We try to better understand what type of support you’re looking for, your goals, and what you’ve noticed gets in the way.


Logistics and administrative

Your care navigation team will work behind the scenes to match you with a mental health provider that fits what you’re looking for. We offer discounted rates from participating providers for more affordable care. We guarantee that you’ll be scheduled into care in under 2 weeks. If it turns out not to be the right fit for you, our team will collaborate with you until you’re satisfied with your match. We’ll send you reminders in advance of your appointments to take the remembering off your plate. We’ll also send brief feedback forms after the sessions to make sure you feel the meetings are on track. In the interest of ease, access, and transparency, we keep records of all your visits on our free online platform so you can track the visits you’ve attended. This also makes it easy for your medical providers to coordinate together and keep track of any changes in your health history that might influence your path forward. Attending your appointments and taking your medication then earns you points that get translated into financial benefits.


How much money are we talking here?

Financial reimbursements are tied to your treatment plan and insurance coverage. Please reach out to your care team for more information.

What’s the fine print?

Verity offers all these services for free. We won’t charge you anything. The standard deductible or copay designated by your insurance will apply.

If you are experiencing a medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911 or 988, or go to your nearest emergency room. Verity is not a crisis intervention service.